Aspartame damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. The article below (Team Targets Sudden Cardiac Death) might as well have been written about this toxin because it describes the problem this killer causes.
Tragic reports from Iraq reveal high incidence of sudden death from heart attacks, cerebral and cardiac thromboses, fatal blood clots. In the USA sudden cardiac death, SCD, has become the number one killer, claiming 460,000 a year, according to the CDC. Often it is athletes in prime condition who fall while playing; three Japanese athletes died on one day. Their conditioning is similar to the robust state of troops trained for combat, but both are falling like snowflakes.
Is there a connection? The government sent boatloads of diet drinks to the Gulf where they sat in the Arabian sun for weeks decomposing into formaldehyde cocktails, which the troops drank constantly to avoid dehydration. In September the peer-reviewed journal Neurology published ground-breaking studies by scientists at the Department of Veterans Affairs - concluding that Gulf War veterans, most in their 20's and 30's during the war, are contracting ALS at nearly three times the expected rate for their age group. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a horrible neurological affliction occurring to people in their 60s which gradually destroys all mobility, even the ability to swallow. Nevertheless the victim remains mentally alert, a prisoner in a private hell, his body a degenerating cage, awaiting the inevitable. The sequence is gradual, total: incapacity, humiliation, loss of physical control, paralysis, death. A ghastly reward for patriotism!
James Bowen, M.D. experienced terrible Lou Gehrigs symptoms and was being progressively destroyed, but as an MD and biochemist his research revealed that these symptoms are frequently associated with aspartame poisoning. He discontinued aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal and recovered most of his abilities and he believes many Desert Storm victims are similar aspartame victims, and if they discontinue this recognized neurotoxin in time they may well recover. Dr Bowen describes aspartame poisoning as minute doses of nerve gas that eradicates brain and nerve function. Dr. Russell Blaylock says in Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save Your Life: "In the case of diet drinks in aluminum cans, the very toxic brain aluminum fluoride compound co-exists with multiple toxins found in aspartame, thus creating the most powerful government approved toxic soup imaginable."
Dr. Bowen has explained how the destruction works. Aspartic acid, the excitotoxic component of aspartame does not cross the blood brain barrier, but is secreted into the cerebral spinal fluid by the choroid plexus located in the ventricles of the brain. There, in the brain's lower area and upper terminus of the spinal cord is where Lou Gehrigs, Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis damage is most prominent. These critical locations are bathed in the toxin as it removes from the blood. From the third to fourth ventricle there is a narrow canal called sylvian aqueduct which fills with this secretion and washes the roof of the hypothalamus. This accounts for aspartame damage to the hypothalamus. Electrical as well as chemical activity powers hypothalamic generators, cell masses specializing in involuntary behavior control. These centers fire circuits which signal the body to eat, drink, become aroused. This power originates in a quarter ounce of gray matter and damage to the hypothalamus produces serious and diverse problems including sexual dysfunction. Aspartame attacks the hypothalamus.
Neurotoxins cross the blood brain barrier but neuroexcitotoxins such as aspartic acid do not. Two excellent medical texts on the deadly effects of aspartame are: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic by H. J. Roberts, M.D., author of many books on diagnosis and recognized as "The Best Doctor in the USA" by the medical magazine Practice 84 and Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D. Dr. Blaylock is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi. He practiced neurosurgery for 24 years. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Assn and on the editorial board of the Medical Sentinel, official journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Lou Gehrigs or ALS are discussed in both doctors books.
Dr. Bowen says the medical view of thromboses has been updated. The effects of inflammation of the blood vessels, especially autoimmune inflammations in producing thromboses is evident. Aspartame which converts into methyl alcohol, formaldehyde. formic acid, diketopiperazine is corrosive to blood vessels. To combat dust and heat the troops chew gum constantly, and Wrigley in full knowledge of its deadliness continues to add aspartame to all of its gums. They have been repeatedly notified but care not what happens to the victims. A tablet of nitroglycerin under the tongue transports immediately to the brain and interrupts a heart attack, so the aspartame in saliva from gum goes straight to the brain, with deadly effect. The U. S. Air Force magazine, Flying Safety, explained the aspartame as in a single stick of gum can cause flicker vertigo and other problems in pilots. That's one stick. Imagine the cumulative consequence of several sticks daily for months with diet sodas all day long.
Aspartame as a chemical hypersensitization agent interacts with vaccines and environmental chemicals amplifyng their toxicity. Coalition warriors fired thousands of tons of depleted uranium rounds which on impact smashed into millions of radioactive microscopic particles to be inhaled or absorbed thru the skin. Once in the body aspartame magnifies this deadly radioactive killer which destroys the lungs and remains lethal for millions of years, and so we are seeing an epidemic of unexplained pneumonia among coalition troops.
War is hell, but the everlasting devastation from radioactive weapons and systematic daily poisoning with Donald Rumsfeld's toxin (he was CEO of NutraSweet's parent company and called in his chips to get it approved) will make this war a killer of generations. Read more about Donald Rumsfeld in the Artificially Sweetened Times,
On the front page of USA Today, 10/13/2003 is "Army Probes Soldier Suicides". It says the suicide rate is very high in Iraq. Phenylalanine in aspartame lowers the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, and manic depression, insomnia, panic attack, anxiety, mood swings, and paranoia. Dr. Bowen when on aspartame kept wanting to commit suicide. When aspartame victim, Mary Reiff, joined me on a TV program I asked why her wrists had been slit. She said: "When I was on aspartame I kept wanting to commit suicide but didn't know why. Once off of it, those tendencies disappeared, as did my seizures and blindness." Mary Reiff had been declared legally blind. The wood alcohol or methanol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and formic acid in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve.
Also on the front page of USA was is "Obesity Explodes From Teens to 20's". Many drink diet sodas in a misguided effort to keep their weight in check. Aspartame causes a craving for carbohydrates resulting in the opposite. The epidemic of obesity in America coincides exactly with the approval of aspartame 20 years ago. If you read the protest of the National Soft Drink Association on you will see Dr. Richard Wurtman's affidavit that aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates. It is a neurotoxic drug, not an additive.
FDA and CDC you know what is happening to the troops and why. You sold out the consumer public and the military by lying about aspartame. Post marketing research has shown these problems for years, yet you have turned your back on the those you purport to protect. Is your loyalty to industry worth the mass poisoning of the people in 100 countries, as Dr. Bowen told you in a letter (on years ago?
October 25 is Make A Difference Day and Mission Possible will be alerting the world to the role of aspartame in the epidemic of sudden death.
Betty Martini
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
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Contributing Editor
Sudden cardiac death is a catastrophic disruption of the heart rhythm that can cause a seemingly healthy human to drop dead without warning.
More people die from sudden cardiac death (SCD) each year than from AIDS, breast cancer and lung cancer combined. The condition accounts for nearly60 percent of all cardiovascular-related deaths, claiming the lives of approximately 300,000 people per year in the U.S.
Yet, because there are few warning signs or symptoms to identify peopleat risk, and since SCD is by definition fatal, leaving no survivors tostudy, scientists know little about the underlying mechanisms that causethe condition.
Researchers at the new Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine at UB are poised to change that scenario. Aided by a $1.5 million grant from the John R. Oishei Foundation, the university has assembled a cadre of specialists in several fields who are investigating SCD from the single-cell-level up, with the goal of developing strategies for treatment and prevention.
"Great strides have been made in treating ischemic heart disease, heart attack and heart failure," said John M. Canty, Jr., director of the center. "However, the impact of these developments on sudden cardiac death is disappointing.
"The percentage of sudden deaths is increasing, while mortality from other cardiovascular causes continues to decline. As a result, sudden death has become one of the nation's major public health problems," added Canty, holder of the Albert and Elizabeth Rekate Chair in Cardiovascular Disease in the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
A multidisciplinary team encompassing specialists in cardiology, physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, pharmacology and toxicology, positron emission tomography (PET) scanning and electrophysiology already is at work on this perplexing problem, bringing more than $16 million in active biomedical research funding in related disciplines to bear on the question.
They are interested particularly in studying a phenomenon called "hibernating myocardium." In this condition, heart cells receiving a reduced blood supply due to arterial narrowing adapt to a life-threatening situation by reducing their function and oxygen needs. This survival technique allows cells to remain viable and able to resume normal activity when and if surgery restores full blood flow.
Nevertheless, since areas of hibernating myocardium exist side-by-side with normal heart muscle, the disparity in electrical activity can result in rhythmic chaos, making the heart vulnerable to fatal arrhythmias.
"Although much previous research has focused on the role of scarring following a heart attack as the underlying factor leading to the arrhythmias responsible for sudden death," said Canty, "we think that the areas that are viable and hibernating may actually be a greater risk factor."
The researchers have circumvented the problem of having few human survivors to study by creating the hibernating myocardium phenomenon in the first animal modela pigfor the disease, and implanting a defibrillator similar to that used in patients with advanced heart disease. When an arrhythmia that ordinarily would be fatal occurs, the defibrillator activates, saving the animal and providing a living model of the sudden cardiac death syndrome to study.
By monitoring what transpires in the heart cells leading up to a potentially fatal ventricular fibrillation and analyzing the physical and biological changes in the heart post-SCD, the researchers can gain information never before available.
"Once an aborted sudden death episode occurs," said Canty, "we can study the heart physiologically, as well as identify transient cellular and molecular changes that may be going on at the time of an arrhythmia."
One of the major projects the center is undertaking involves comparing heart function in the animal model before and after the "sudden death episode" with heart function of patients with known coronary disease. In a parallel study, researchers will attempt to determine if the electrical problems seen in hibernating myocardium are caused by the presence or absence of receptors for neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine, released during the activation of the sympathetic nerves controlling heart function.
The study will determine if the receptors have changed, or if they are responding abnormally to the neurotransmitters. It also will help determine whether sympathetic system abnormalities are caused by destruction of the nerves or malfunction, and will show whether normal nerve function returns after blood flow is restored.
In another major project, patients will undergo PET scanning before and after coronary bypass surgery to determine whether electrical activity to the heart can return to normal, which could explain favorable effects of surgery on reducing sudden death in some patients. PET scanning allows researchers to monitor biological processes noninvasively in real-time. Using this technology, researchers hope to identify changes early on that could lead to identifying patients at high risk of sudden cardiac death and develop routine diagnostic procedures to detect these changes and correct them.
Other projects concern the control of electrical activity within single heart cells and changes in significant peptides affecting vessel constriction in the SCD model and in patients. Data from these studies will feed into the most basic research component of the center: identifying which genes are expressed and which proteins are altered in the cascade of events that result in sudden cardiac death.
"Our goal is to identify the underlying biological triggers and warning signals of this disease process," said Canty. "When scientists know the condition's biological markers, they can identify people at risk and develop treatments to prevent it. We are hoping to make this happen."
Additional principal investigators in the center and their departments are James A. Fallavollita, medicine; Dennis Higgins, pharmacology and toxicology; Michael S. Haka, nuclear medicine, and Kenneth M. Blumenthal, chair, Te Chung Lee and Steve Toorongian, biochemistry.
Also, Harold Strauss, chair, Michael J. Morales, Randall L. Rasmusson, Gyula Szigeti and Shimin Wang, physiology and biophysics, and Norma Nowak, director of the UB-Roswell Park Cancer Institute microarray facility and director of scientific planning with the UB Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.
The center is supported by grants from the Mae Stone Goode Trust, Albert and Elizabeth Rekate, and William H. Boardman and Jan Boardman endowments, and Medtronic, in addition to the Oishei Foundation. Individual center investigators are supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the American Heart Association and the National Science Foundation.
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Several U.S. soldiers in the Iraqi war died from sudden illnesses and a United Press International probe shows those were triggered by unexplained blood clots.
The Pentagon says blood clots caused two soldiers to collapse and die. At least eight other soldiers have also collapsed and died from what the military has described as non-combat-related causes.
NBC reporter David Bloom also died of a blood clot in his lung after collapsing near Baghdad.
The UPI investigation by reporter Mark Benjamin also points to another disturbing factor of soldiers becoming ill or dying from similar ailments in the United States. In some cases, the soldiers, their families and civilian doctors blame vaccines given to them by the military, particularly the anthrax or smallpox shots.
Some of the soldiers who died suddenly had complained about symptoms suffered by Bloom -- including pain in the legs that could indicate problems with blood clots.
The UPI investigation found 17 soldiers who died of sudden illnesses.
"I would say that that number of cases (blood clot deaths) among young healthy troops would seem to be unusual," said Dr. Jeffrey Sartin, an infectious diseases doctor at the Gundersen Clinic in La Crosse, Wis.