By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
Telephone: 770-242-2599
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Posted: 31 May 2017


uno de los más utilizados en productos cero calorías (postres, yogures, bebidas, etc.). No es apto para cocinar. Ciclamato de sodio: es otro producto acusado de ser cancerígeno. Está prohibido en muchos países, pero existen marcas, como Coca Cola Zero, que siguen utilizándolo en los lugares permitidos como Chile, porque no aporta calorías. Sacarina: también ha sido señalada como un edulcorante cancerígeno, por eso fue prohibida en algunos países, como Estados Unidos y Canadá. Acerca del Autor Usted puede ser parte de esta gran red de colaboradores para el primer medio electrónico escrito por los ciudadanos. Sólo debe enviar sus artículos de opinión a - Todo aporte es revisado por nuestro equipo editorial y nos reservamos el derecho de Retitular los aportes enviados por nuestros colaboradores . Síganos en Twitter en @gvalpo y en Facebook /gvalpo google-share Anterior El estrés ¿cómo afecta a nuestra salud física y mental? (parte 2) Siguiente Sinfónica nacional en saludable estado Relacionados La Inspección del Trabajo parece ser más efectiva que la Ley Zamudio Aparición de los virus respiratorios y medidas para mantenerlos lejos de nuestro organismo ¿Cómo enfrentar el primer día de clases de su hijo? Deje un Comentario Name* Email* Website Post Comment TAMBIÉN LE PUEDE INTERESAR 0 Kast agredido: La violencia no es el camino Poco se puede construir con la rabia y resentimientos sin límites; prueba de ello, los famosos portonazos llevándose niños, balaceras a plena luz Publicado el 26 May 2017 0 Por favor Beatriz, no más retórica Beatriz Sánchez durante su campaña política arremete contra Bachelet, y afirma que el gobierno de la Presidenta fracasó. Publicado el 26 May 2017 0 Piñera y los 40 ladrones: radiografía al votante-no votante Sebastián Piñera con sus ministros imputados por delitos tributarios sobre financiamiento irregular, la ley de pesca, patrimonio en paraísos Publicado el 22 May 2017 0 El día que Joaquín Sabina cantó el futuro del p.s. ?Ese tipo que va al Club de Golf, si lo hubieras visto ayer, dando gritos de yanqui go home coreando estrofas de Fidel? J. Sabina. Publicado el 15 May 2017 1 Confusión de roles: Le robaron el auto a mi vecino ¿Ningún fiscal le habrá dicho que en un juicio oral se requieren testigos? Parece evidente que hay bandas profesionales que se dedican al robo de Publicado el 15 May 2017 RT @ForoValposible: Excusa para dilatar solución denuncia @anfach_ @gvalpo se pide intervención presidencial. #ParoAduana 10 hours ago INFORMACIÓN Tus aportes de columnas de opinión a: Tus aportes de Cultura y Comunicados a: VIDEO CORPORATIVO ENTREVISTA RAÚL GUTIÉRREZ ? FUNDADOR GV MANIFIESTO Manifiesto Manifiesto Diario Electrónico Gran Valparaíso La alta concentración en la propiedad de los medios de comunicación en Chile sigue siendo Publicado el 17 Jun 2014 CONTÁCTENOS Nombre * Email * Mensaje * Enviar 1999 - 2016 GRANVALPARAISO.CL Arlegui 734 Oficina 131 Piso 13, Viña del Mar, Chile - Fono: +56 032 237 5934
Ulzantes and sweeteners in the crosshairs
Posted on 26 May 2017 By: GVComment: 0Tag: Sweeteners, Sweeteners, Universidad San Sebastián Acesulfame, aspartame, cyclamate, stevia, saccharine, sucralose or thaumatin, no matter which one they use, are now being studied to know their real impact on those who consume them.


Sweeteners pregnancy In 2016, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) first included sweeteners in the list of critical nutrients, which are those food products it recommends to maintain special surveillance, such as sodium, sugar and saturated fats . And although many nutritionists believe that there is still a lack of studies to determine the real impact of these sweeteners, all agree to avoid consumption in children under two years.

For Samuel Durán, Ph.D. in food nutrition, president of the College of Nutritionists of Chile and researcher at San Sebastián University, it is important to understand that "sweeteners do not provide vitamins, macronutrients, or minerals, they do not contribute anything, only Give flavor. Sweeten without adding calories. And while we must monitor consumption rates, it is not a question of 'demonizing' food.

As a researcher, Samuel Durán, has carried out several studies on the characteristics and use of sweeteners in our country, detecting figures that, even before the Labeling Law, more than 90% of students and university students consumed sweeteners, and up to 98% of Pregnant women also included it in their diet.

Given Minsal's concern about the increase in the use of sweeteners to replace sugar, due to the implementation of the Labeling Law, Durán explains that "all the sweeteners currently consumed in Chile are approved by the World Food Health (WHO) and are what are known as aspartame, acesulfame potassium, cyclamate, stevia and sucralose.

In the same vein the researcher details that "aspartame, which is the most badly known, is known to affect people suffering from phenylketonuria. And there are many studies that say they affect the microbiota, but they are very controversial studies. You have to be careful interpreting them because they work with non-real doses, as if someone would drink 25 cans of drinks."

Thus, each sweetener has a specific Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), which is the maximum amount that can be consumed daily per kilo of body weight without representing a risk to the health of the consumer. Among those marketed in Chile are:

Acesulfame: 9 mg. Per kilo of body weight
Aspartame: Up to 40 mg. per kilo
Cyclamate: 7 mg. per kilo
Stevia: 4 mg. per kilo
Saccharin: 5 mg. per kilo
Sucralose: 15 mg. per kilo
Taumatine: A maximum recommended level is not specified

Consumption prohibited before 2 years

On the groups in which it is necessary to be careful with the consumption of sweeteners is in the infants less than 2 years, who for all the specialists, should not consume them in any dose to be in stage of growth. "A child under two years should not have sugar or sweeteners in their diet," emphasizes the nutritionist.

"As professionals we have heard that many moms to breastfeeds instead of adding sugar they add stevia and that should not happen, should not add any. We have to accustom children to the least sweet taste possible, "recommends the specialist.

What do we consume?

Natural sweeteners or sweeteners

Sucralose: is obtained by processing the sugar cane and due to its chemical composition does not leave metallic flavor and is preferably used in pastry preparations.

Dextrose: a sweetener derived from fructose, it has less sweetening power than others, and is usually combined with other sweeteners.

Stevia: it is the natural sweetener with better reputation. It is attributed many properties and has no contraindications in adequate doses.

Taumatina: is the most powerful natural sweetener known and is a protein obtained from the fruit of Katemfe of West Africa Thaumatococcus daniellii, known as the "fruit of the miracle". It is 2500 times more than sugar. Used in Japan since 1979, it is authorized as a sweetener in the European Union, in England it is authorized to sweeten medicines and in the United States for chewing gum and in Australia as a flavoring agent.

This is partially translated and you have to click on" translate more" to get the whole article. When I send it, it may go back into Spanish so just go to google translate. When I saw 98 % of pregnant women use this it’s obvious they don't know aspartame causes autism, neural tube defects, spina bifida and cleft palate for starters. At least they know its a carcinogen. They don't know about sucralose/Splenda and that its chlorinated sugar with severe side effects. Acesulfame potassium caused cancer and leukemia in original studies. Dr. Soffritti has also done a study on sucralose and declared it a carcinogen. Here is the Aspartame Resource Guide: Those who speak Spanish should comment on this and help them understand aspartame is a chemical poison that should be banned. You can translate the Aspartame Resource Guide in google translate with your comment.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097

Aspartame Toxicity Center:

Artificial or synthetic sweeteners

Acesulfame: Acesulfame potassium, also known as acesulfame K. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, has been used in products such as sweets, bakery products, frozen desserts, beverages, mixtures to prepare desserts and tabletop sweeteners In the United States since 1988.

Aspartame: is one of the most questioned by its side effects and to be cataloged as a carcinogenic sweetener. However, it is approved by the FDA

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097

Aspartame Toxicity Center: